The future is now when it comes to cyber security, and at KHC Wealth Management, we employ a multi-layered defense of systems and controls to protect our data and our clients’ data. The philosophy behind this approach is that if one “layer” of protection were to fail or “slip through the cracks,” the other security barriers would catch the attack in time to save the entire system. Here are the basics and tips on how you can use layers with your own personal data:
- Physical Protection – our office is restricted to employees. Guests are permitted if and only if they are accompanied by an employee.
- Network Protection – this is done through our firewall and other deeper analytic tools to control traffic.
- Email Filtering and Protection – we do this through filtering, encryption, password protocols, and multi-point authentication.
- Training – We maintain and train on a series of connected security policies including cyber security, data security, and business continuity. We also adhere to all local, state, and federal industry guidelines.
- Endpoint Protection – All desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones have additional endpoint security.
- Monitoring – With 24/7/365 monitoring, we approach all cyber threats by identifying alerts and threats through all of the various systems in place. Once an alert is received, we utilize the following steps to mitigate:
- Capture
- Classify
- Analyze
- React
- Improve
If you have any questions or would like to discuss these topics further, please call us (913) 345-1881.