By Joni Lindquist
Ugh… many of you are probably groaning. You probably hear enough about goals at work. You may ask, “Do I really need to make goals to just have fun?” Maybe not. I know that in the “busy-ness” of life today, you may not have a lot of fun. However, at Aspyre Wealth Partners, we believe that everyone has aspirations – what they want to accomplish. Aspirations are defined as “strong desires, longing, aim or ambition.” This isn’t about stuff – it’s about experiences and accomplishments.
We’ve all heard of bucket lists and having “FUN” goals or aspirations is very similar to that. One of my friends has a goal to travel to every state in the United States. Another had a goal to climb Macho Pichu (sounds dreadful to me) and did so last summer with her 19-year-old son. We have a client who wants to ride his bicycle on a “rails to trails” path in every state. A friend and her husband try to see every Oscar nominated movie prior to awards night each year.
What intrigues me about these aspirations is how passionate people are about them. It’s the strong desire or longing – they are more passionate about these items than the next promotion at work. Some of these take years to accomplish. As a financial planner, I love to hear about and help clients achieve these feats. Yes, it’s important to help clients clarify life goals such as retirement, children’s education, and family support. But these aspirations are usually very meaningful to our clients as well.
What are your ASPIRATIONS?
Some others we’ve heard:
Travel Related
- Travel to every continent
- Travel to the home of your ancestors and research the genealogy of your family
- See a major league baseball game in every ballpark in the U.S.
- Visit all the National Parks in the U.S.
- Visit all the Civil War parks in the US
- Visit all the Presidential libraries in the U.S.
- Take every cruise available worldwide
- Sail around the world
Adventure Related
- Sky dive
- Bungee jump
- Zip line
- Walk the Appalachian Trail
- Scuba dive in specific locations
- Visit all theme parks in the U.S.
- Go on an African safari
Athletic Related
- Train and run a marathon (or perhaps aim for the Boston Marathon)
- Bike to ___________
- Train and participate in a triathlon
- Play golf at Pebble Beach (or Pinehurst)
- Ride a motorcycle across the country
- Participate in classic car shows or tour
- Drive a race car
- Learn or re-learn a musical skill – such as guitar or piano
- Become a chess master
- Become a Black belt
- Engage your artistic skills – things like quilting, jewelry making, restoring classic cars, wood-working
Share YOUR ASPIRATIONS to encourage others! If you want help in identifying your aspirations, and then building and implementing a financial and life plan to achieve them, visit us at or contact Joni Lindquist –, (913) 345-1881.
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