Turning points are a timely topic for Amanda Rehmann, Investment Associate at KHC Wealth Management. For most of us, the defining events in our lives happen over an extended period of time. But for Amanda, all the big ones seemed to have hit her in the last 18 months!
Amanda and her husband, JR, a firefighter, are both from Omaha. In 2013, the pair was busy planning their wedding and building their careers. Amanda was working as an account manager with an advertising agency, buying and selling ad space and as well as analyzing campaign data. JR was deep into the rigorous application process at area fire departments and as the October nuptials neared, it looked like he would be accepting a job in Kansas City. He moved in September and Amanda joined him in November.
As the newlyweds adjusted to life in a new apartment in a new city, more change was on the horizon for Amanda. She became an Investment Associate at KHC, which is more in line with her career objectives. She has her Bachelor’s in Banking and Finance, Investment Science and Portfolio Management as well a Masters of Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. Jobs in this field, however, were harder to find in Omaha.
Given Amanda’s background in finance, it was no surprise that she and JR had saved in preparation for this period of uncertainty in their lives. They had worked hard to build up their credit score and financial picture before applying for a home loan, and in August 2014 they moved into their first house. Fortunately, Amanda has adjusted well to all the changes – she is at a firm she loves and Kansas City is starting to feel more like home – oh, and she got a new car!
This is one story of our “turning points” from the staff at KHC. We welcome you to comment to this post and share some of yours.
Photo credit: Mell P / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND