New Normal
After the stock market downturn in 2008/2009, the term “New Normal” became a popular phrase. It referred to resetting expectations with stock market returns and accept what would be the “new normal” in terms of returns. I often found this term used in a negative context as to say the old normal was so much better but here we are having to accept this new normal. As to say that a new normal is a bad thing instead of it just being a part of life.
And here we are now. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 and all the uncertainty about how to contain the spread of this virus, the term “New Normal” has resurfaced in the media. I find it interesting that this term continues to be used, yet we haven’t even processed all the stages of this transition to get to a “New Normal”
“It doesn’t take long for us to forget what was normal as we are built to adapt and adjust.”
We adjust to new normals all the time. Ask new parents when they bring a baby home from the hospital and realizes that 3 months later, the kid never leaves. Retired people say all the time they have no idea how they had time for work. It doesn’t take long for us to forget what was normal as we are built to adapt and adjust.
The Final Stage of a Life Transition
The final stage of a life transition is New Normal. Most of the time people will place themselves in the New Normal stage long before they are actually there. Part of that is our eagerness to put the past in the past and we often overestimate where we are in our healing process. But you will know that you are in New Normal when you are living out the scenario that tested best in Passage
Maybe you sold the house and are settled in your new environment ready to find a community and build on your reclaimed identity. Maybe you have found your new routine post being married and find yourself at ease in your new setting. It doesn’t mean that you don’t have bad days or slip back into prior feelings. But there are more good days than tough days and your thoughts are more present and forward-looking. It can take years to arrive to New Normal and guess what? That is okay. It is actually quite normal.
“Think of your life and your experience as a class. What can we learn from this class? What can we learn from others?”
If you find yourself secure in your new normal, it is a time to reflect. It is a time to glean the learning that likely occurred from your transition. To be proud of your resiliency and your growth. To find security in your ability to move through something really hard because the time will likely come again. Think of your life and your experience as a class. What can we learn from this class? What can we learn from others?
Jessi Chadd, M.S.F.S, CFP®, CeFT®, is a Principal at Aspyre Wealth Partners, specializing in life transitions. For help with your specific situation contact Jessi Chadd, at (913) 345-1881 or visit our website at We help successful people Master What’s Next® – whatever phase of life they are in.
For more on the first three stages of a life transition see:
Anticipation Blog:
Ending Blog:
Passage Blog:
For more information on life transitions: