
By Lucas Bucl

It seems like the world can’t get enough of the British Royals having a baby and adding another generation in line for the throne.  While the whole extravaganza is a bit mystifying to me, at least the TODAY Show now has about a month’s worth of programming content for these dog days of summer.

I did come across a useful article in the USA Today regarding the cost of having a child and some good financial planning tips to consider if you find yourself with a new arrival.  If you are actively following the Royal buzz, you’ll enjoy this piece.  If you have had all of the monarchy madness that you can handle, feel free to skip down to the second half of the article for some useful financial planning tips.

For specific estate planning questions, schedule a meeting by clicking below, contact Lucas Bucl –, or call (913) 345-1881.

Photo credit: Carmen Rodriguez NSP / Foter / CC BY