
Cover of Retire WELL by Jessi Chadd

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Go Beyond The Numbers

Explore what it looks like to plan for your retirement the way you planned for your career. Read RETIRE WELL.

Am I on track for retirement?

What will I do every day when not golfing or traveling?
Why would I work part-time or commit to a volunteer position?
You won’t need the money but you might still need the sense of purpose or relevance that used to be satisfied at work.
How will I maintain physical and mental health?
The key to a long, enjoyable retirement is your physical fitness, good nutrition, and a healthy mental capacity.
What do I want people to say about me on my 100th birthday?
Legacy is more than leaving someone your money — it’s your values, traditions, and memories of you that matter most at the end of life.

What does it mean to be "well" with money?

You understand your money history and your beliefs around money.
You have goals beyond accumulating more money.

You know what you are saving for, and understand the goals and aspirations you have for your career, relationships and what you want to master next in your life.

You check your financial vitals.

You know where you stand on income, spending, savings, investments and protections.

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Jessi Chadd

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