
Celebrate YOUR FINANCIAL independence this 4th of July

By Jamie Bosse The 4th of July isn’t only about BBQs, hot dogs, and fireworks – each year we are actually celebrating our independence from Great Britain and the formation of the United States of America.  As a financial planner, I urge my clients to plan for...

Where to Keep Your Money: A Cash Flow Management System that Works

By Jamie Bosse Managing cash flow tends to be an issue for most people regardless of income level.  On one hand, you have known expenses, but there are always some that catch you off guard.  My husband and I have done a few iterations of cash flow management and have...

Kids and Money – 4 Things to Consider when Your Child gets Cash

By Jamie Bosse Kids know what money is at a very young age, but don’t necessarily understand what it means, or what it can do.  Throughout the year, your child may receive money for various reasons.  They may get cash for birthdays, holidays, religious ceremonies, and...