This article was originally published in the Kansas City Star on January 21, 2021 Usually, as we approach the end of the year, people start talking about “turning the page” and “putting last year in the rearview mirror.” But it’s likely that 2020 is going to stick...
It goes without saying, we are in uncertain times. Most of us have never been here before — and hope, if we are being honest, to never be here again. Uncertainty is not welcomed by most. It makes us nervous/anxious/worried and feels very uncomfortable. ...
During this holiday most of the country is now under orders from their local or state governments to “shelter in place”. During times of crisis, our country has come together many times to face challenges. Now, we are being asked to stay away from each other to...
Your parents drop by to “see” the grandkids. They stand outside the back-patio window and wave joyously to the 4 kids inside. The kids start jumping up and down, squealing with excitement and run to open the door. The grandparents start waving their arms in panic and...
Angela and her older brother with her dad when he graduated from pharmacy school My dad passed away almost eight years ago. Months before he got sick we were talking about trusts and estate planning because my husband and I were updating our own estate documents. We...