
Basic Parts of an Estate Plan

By Jamie Bosse No one likes to think about their own demise, but let’s face it – there is a 100% chance that we are going to die at some point.  We all plan for long and healthy lives, but we do not get to choose how much sand is in our proverbial hourglass.   If the...

The Unintentional Disinheritance

By Stewart Koesten The Brady Bunch may have been unique in the 1970s and 1980s but not so much today. The act of blending families together involves more than deciding in whose house to live. In fact there is quite a bit of financial blending that has to occur as...

Financial Planning: Countdown to Baby

By Patrick Amey “Honey, we are having a baby!!!”  The emotions that follow these words range from elation to terror.  Elation from the joy that staring and raising a family will bring to your life.  Terror from the prospect of what starting and raising a family will...