
Does the winner of the Super Bowl influence the stock market?

The Super Bowl hits a little closer to home this year as our Kansas City Chiefs were so close to making it to the biggest event in football for the first time since before I was born. Now, most of the Midwest and Tom Brady haters everywhere are all suddenly rooting...

Should You “Sell in May and Go Away”?

By Lucas Bucl Many of us have heard the classic Wall Street adage of “Sell in May and Go Away”.  Every year about this time, financial media and stock market pundits often reference the strategy as a warning about the potential of depressed stock market returns during...

For Good Money Decisions, Slow Down!

By Joni Lindquist The human brain is amazing.  Yet we still are learning about how it really works.  In his book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman outlines in simplistic terms how our complex brain works and in doing so gives us an understanding of how it can...

Kids and Money – 4 Things to Consider when Your Child gets Cash

By Jamie Bosse Kids know what money is at a very young age, but don’t necessarily understand what it means, or what it can do.  Throughout the year, your child may receive money for various reasons.  They may get cash for birthdays, holidays, religious ceremonies, and...

3 Tips When Investing in Your Company Stock

By Patrick Amey When it comes to financial planning, investing in company stock can be one of the best decisions you will ever make. Concentrated positions in high-growth companies have the potential to create vast amounts of wealth for each and every shareholder in a...