By Patrick Amey
One of the most common questions I hear from business executives beginning to think about their financial future is, “What do average people like me have saved for retirement?”
While there are certainly answers to this question, they do not apply. Each and every person or family has a unique plan that provides solutions tailored to help achieve their specific human capital (work experience, skills, talent and education) and financial capital goals.
Financial planning always begins with your goals. Not my goals, or the average goals, or the goals of the Jones at the country club, YOUR goals!!! You may want to save for Ivy League college, retire at age 50, sail around the world, or do all three. Your goals are unique to you, so also is your financial plan.
Once these goals are defined, it is the role of a financial planner to work with you to create a plan that will assist you in achieving your goals. Then a good financial planner will drive you to take action to implement, monitor, and tweak the plan as you work toward your goals.
So, while a person between the ages of 45-54 averages $219,000 saved for retirement1, that person is not you. You are the person with a plan – a plan to achieve your goals, on your timeline, in your own way and there is nothing average about it. Contact me for help with a plan that will work for you – schedule a meeting by clicking below, email, or call (913) 345-1881.
Shin, Laura. (2012, Nov. 14) Retiement Savings by Age: How Do You Compare. Daily Finance B: