By Joni Lindquist
I read an interesting article in Forbes recently about an assessment concerning people’s dominant “work action style.” The assessment and article were developed by Kathy Caprino. I’m a sucker for assessments and always looking for new, valid tests that I can use when coaching people to career success. Based on Caprino’s research, she identifies six action work styles. The article focuses on two of the six – “strivers and “seekers.” I was struck by how much I personally identified with the author. I spent the first 21 years of my career in corporate America, always “striving” to advance, to make an impact, to be “successful.” And while I believe I still have the “striver” within me, I became so exhausted that I chose to totally change my career more than 10 years ago.
Turns out I’m an “advocator” in Capino’s work action styles. I’m at my best and happiest when I’m advocating for big ideas and helping others. Fortunately, my current role as financial planner and career/executive coach allows me to do both.
I urge you to take a few minutes to read the article and take Caprino’s assessment. Then ask yourself if your current job and career fit with who you are. This may be another good data input for you if you’ve been feeling disenchanted with your current job. I wouldn’t make a change just based solely on this test, but use it to consider what, if any, changes might make you happier and more successful at work.
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