
Image by Guille Faingold x mbg creative / Stocksy

Wealth Manager, Jamie A. Bosse, CFP®, RFC, CCFC was quoted in an article from Mind Body Green that addresses how have the money talk with your honey.

“What is something you are proud of financially? What is something you regret?”

Jamie, the author of Money Boss Mom, recommends being curious about and trying to understand your partner’s past experiences with money. It’s good to ask questions of your partner because attitudes about money can manifest differently based on personal experiences and memories. To some, money may symbolize freedom, power, and joy. However, others may associate money with shame, greed, and sin. Many biases around money are set before the teen years, and continue to be shaped through life.

The Money Talk

Couples should talk about money often; at least once a month, if not once per week. Set aside time to discuss financial priorities as a family. Kids will learn healthy financial habits when they are included in some of these conversations. The key is to set aside time to do it, or it won’t happen.

It doesn’t have to be a comprehensive review. A quick check of upcoming expenses and any short term goals, could be enough. Make sure savings balances are on track, then celebrate the progress.

Always come to these conversations with openness, empathy, and curiosity – not fear or blame. Couples are on the same team, working together for the greater good.

Read the full article in Mind Body Green.

*Image by Guille Faingold x mbg creative / Stocksy