
Eight Creative Ways to Pay for College

By Joni Lindquist, MBA, CFP® The school year is upon us!  We all know that college costs have been rising over the last decades. For example, at a private college, tuition, room and board was $45,370 in 2017.  However, the average student paid only $26,080, according...

4 Tips for Paying Back Student Loans

Student loan debt recently surpassed the $1.5 trillion dollars in a measure1 released by the St. Louis Federal Reserve on August 8, 2018.  This amounts to a 144% increase in student loan debt over the past decade.  Pundits debate whether this is a crisis, and several...

Financial Pitfalls Your College Student Should be Aware of

You’ve kissed your little princess goodbye and sent her off to college this year.  She was top of her graduating class, a star athlete, and is the smartest “kid” you know – you are so proud.  You’ve supported her financially for the last 18 years and now she’s out in...

Should We Use a 529 Plan for K-12 Expenses?

By Patrick Amy The new tax law enacted in late 2017 extended the use of 529s to include not only secondary education, but K-12 as well.  This potentially provides some tax savings opportunities for parents (or others) who need to determine if using a 529 makes sense...