
Goblins, Ghouls, and Wills, Oh My!

Estate planning (planning for what happens to your assets when you die) is probably the spookiest part of any financial plan. This Halloween is the perfect time to face your fears and get educated on why this is such an important part of everyone’s plan. No one likes...

What Happens if You Die Without a Will?

By Jamie Bosse When we experience a major life change – getting married, having children, etc., often the first thing on our minds is not our will. However, it should be an important consideration if you want the final say of where your assets go once you die. If you...

Protecting Your Loved Ones with Life Insurance

By Jamie Bosse How much life insurance do you need? Your life insurance needs will depend on a number of factors, including the size of your family, the nature of your financial obligations, your career stage, and your goals. For example, when you’re young, you...

Tax Season is Over, it’s time to Purge

By Joni Lindquist What documents to keep, what to shred? Now that another tax year is wrapped up for those of us who did not file an extension; what better way to celebrate than to do some spring cleaning and get our personal documents in order? KHC is hosting a shred...