
By Joni Lindquist

We’ve all had those moments when we’ve made a significant mistake on the job.  Perhaps you committed to deliver a project and missed the due date; or made a major error on a key report or presentation to a client.  Or you’ve had a major meltdown with your boss. Whatever the situation, your recovery is critically important, just like in customer service.  None of us like when our service providers make mistakes, yet if they do a great job in recovering, we are satisfied.  The same goes for us in our work life.

Here are 5 tips on how to rebounding from a career “oops”:

  1. Fess Up – admit to the mistake and take responsibility.  It’s never a good look to blame others.  It’s much better to stand up and take the heat, however uncomfortable that may be.
  2. Apologize – this may sound trite, however, it’s very important.  People want to know you are upset with what has occurred, and more importantly, they want you to understand how they feel.  If you only fess up, but don’t say you’re sorry, your recovery won’t  be as strong.
  3. Make it Right – fix the situation if you can.  Sometimes this isn’t possible, but often you can provide the accurate information after the fact – and do it quickly.
  4. Learn from the moment – ask yourself how this mistake occurred.  What do you need to do differently in the future to ensure the same mistake doesn’t happen again?  Do you need to change a process, a communication, or learn to control your emotions?
  5. Move on – if you have done a solid job at recovery with the offended party, then it’s time to move on.  Don’t bring the mistake up again.  Let it die.  Don’t remind others about it later.  Move on with the intent of never making that same mistake again.

You can rebound from significant errors in your career.  Rarely is a mistake fatal if you work hard at the recovery phase and learn from the moment.

For questions about your specific situation, schedule a meeting by clicking below, contact Joni Lindquist –, or call (913) 345-1881.

Photo credit: Neeta Lind / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)