
By Joni Lindquist

I found a good article on CNBC quoting the Manpower survey about hiring trends for 2017.

In summary, the net portion of companies expecting to increase their hiring in the first quarter of 2017 is slightly lower than it has been for anytime during 2016, based on the survey of 11,000 employers.  The data show hiring in lower wage jobs while higher skilled jobs go unfilled as the mismatch of skills in the US economy continues to be a problem.

The survey shows trends that aren’t great, but yet aren’t horrible either.  Kind of a continuing story in the years since the great recession in 2008.

If you are young and getting a degree, consider concentrating in information technology or engineering.  If you are dead-ended or out of work in mid-career, you may need to consider the need to get an IT or engineering degree to re-position yourself for the higher skilled, higher paying jobs in the changing economy.

If you have questions about your own career trajectory, schedule a meeting by clicking below, contact Joni Lindquist –, or call (913) 345-1881.