
As mid-February is upon us many of us are wondering what happened to our New Year’s resolutions. We all know the drill. Around the holidays people typically spend too much money and eat way too much junk food. January hits and they vow to save their money and lose 15 pounds!  Saving money and losing weight (or variations of the two) are consistently the top two resolutions every single year.

The average time frame people stick to this type of resolution is less than three weeks. Three weeks is the average. Some of us don’t make it more than a few days.

Saving money and losing weight (or variations of the two) are consistently the top two resolutions every single year

Why is it so hard for people to shed pounds and save money?  Because both require a change in behavior and that doesn’t happen overnight.  Changing the way you do things can be difficult, but is much less painful with the guidance and accountability of a coach.

Most of us have a general sense of what we need to do in order to be physically fit – exercise more, eat less, sleep more, drink water – seems pretty straight forward.  We also seem to know all the things we need to do to get financially fit – save more, spend less, and be prepared for the unexpected.  If it is so simple, why do most people struggle with it?

It’s difficult because it requires changing our behavior, which is a lot tougher than it sounds.

Changing Behavior Is Hard

I could get physically fit on my own – I might need to cut sugar and carbs from my diet, eat more broccoli and less pizza, and get on a workout program – maybe I need 20 minutes of cardio and 40 minutes of weightlifting, four days a week.   I could incorporate aerial yoga, Pilates, and a shake weight – who knows?  Should I use hand weights, my body weight, machines or a combination thereof?  I want a flat stomach, strong legs, and no arm jiggle.  Which one should I focus on first?  Should I tackle them all at once?  Are there some moves that would work all of these areas strategically?

A personal trainer and/or nutrition professional could help me answer these questions.  Together, we would design a meal plan and workout program that works for my specific needs much faster than I could doing it all on my own.  Plus, I would have an accountability partner to keep me on track along the way.

Consider An Accountability Partner

The same principles apply when working on your financial fitness.  Most people have multiple goals they are working on at the same time, all of which require an allocation of funding.  Some may be short term items like buying a bigger house, building an emergency reserve, or taking some family vacations.  Others could be long term priorities like saving for college and socking away dollars for a career transition or an early retirement.  It is advantageous to have a coach to help you focus and tackle these goals efficiently.

A financial partner can also hold you accountable along the way and help you develop a new plan if your situation changes.  Together you can devise a custom solution and plan that works for YOU, not a generic “8 Minute Abs”- type program.

Together you can devise a custom solution and plan that works for YOU

Most of us find it difficult to lose weight or change our body because it requires changing our habits.  The same goes for your financial physique.  Changing behavior is a process that takes time and commitment.  You are much less likely to give up on a weight loss program if you have someone in your court to hold you accountable, track your progress and cheer you on.

It doesn’t matter if you actually made (or kept) any New Year’s resolutions at this point. February is when a lot of people start thinking about filing taxes. It can be a great time to think about hiring a financial partner to help you get organized, get on track, and reach your financial fitness goals. It’s not too late to start — so you can reach this year’s goals.


Jamie Bosse, CFP®, RFC is a Financial Planner at Aspyre Wealth Partners. For help with your specific situation contact Jamie Bosse at, (913) 345-1881 or visit our website at We help successful people Master What’s Next® – whatever phase of life they are in. If you are ready to get organized and make your money work for you, let’s get to know each other and get started!