
By Joni Lindquist

As the job market brightens a bit, more people may consider making a change from their current career.  Or others may be forced by layoffs in their industry.  Look at this change as an opportunity to create a new chapter in your life’s work.  At minimum, take time to ensure you want to remain on your current path.  If not, here six tips to changing careers in mid-life.

  1. Update your financial plan.  This is a foundational step.  You need to know what you need to earn going forward to fund your life’s goals.  Also, a comprehensive plan will force you to think about what you want from this next phase of your life and career.
  2. Determine what you want from your job/career.  I encourage clients to create lists of “what I want” and “what I don’t want” in the next job.  Step 1 lets you know how much you need to earn.  Given this parameter, what fuels your passions and interests?  At the end of your career and this phase, what do you want to be able to say?
  3. Identify possible targets (industries and companies).  Based on the above, next identify the industries and companies that fit what you are seeking.
  4. Build your personal brand.  What makes you unique?  What do you bring to an employer?  How does your brand and professional value proposition match what the targeted industries and companies are seeking?  Incorporate this into your job search portfolio.
  5. Update your job search portfolio.  Update your résumé, LinkedIn profile, and create a leadership leave-behind for interviewing.  Also, ensure that your Facebook or other social media sites are “cleaned up” and complement, not detract, from your professional sites.
  6. Begin networking.  Now you are ready to network with a purpose. Know what your targets are and use your network to connect you to others.  Always ask at the end of a networking meeting, “How can I help you?”  And “Who else should I be talking to?”  Networking is about helping others, not just you.

Note that we suggest not updating your résumé until step 5, yet for most people that’s the first step they plunge into.   Your job search portfolio is your marketing package and as with all good marketing campaigns, you must know your goals, your target market and your value proposition.  Hiring a career coach to help you through this process may be well worth it.

If you need a partner to help with your own transition, schedule a meeting by clicking below, contact Joni Lindquist –, or call (913) 345-1881.

Photo credit: HowardLake / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)