By Jamie Bosse The 4th of July isn’t only about BBQs, hot dogs, and fireworks – each year we are actually celebrating our independence from Great Britain and the formation of the United States of America. As a financial planner, I urge my clients to plan for...
By Lucas Bucl Many of us have heard the classic Wall Street adage of “Sell in May and Go Away”. Every year about this time, financial media and stock market pundits often reference the strategy as a warning about the potential of depressed stock market returns during...
We used to think of financial success as a three-legged stool: Pensions, government benefits like Social Security, and personal savings. Today, pensions for many of our clients are rare, and government benefits have the potential to diminish as a percentage of...
By Matt Starkey If you are like most of, it feels good to get money back when you file your tax return. Just like finding that $20 bill in your winter coat pocket from last year, you are free to use this unexpected bonus however you want. Many people immediately...
By Jamie Bosse Kids know what money is at a very young age, but don’t necessarily understand what it means, or what it can do. Throughout the year, your child may receive money for various reasons. They may get cash for birthdays, holidays, religious ceremonies, and...