
Creative Solutions to Cover Higher Education Costs

What are creative solutions to help pay for college? Saving money, borrowing money, and financial aid are the most obvious ways to pay for college. But none of these methods attempt to lower the actual cost of college. Yet as college costs continue to grow, it is...

Ways to Reduce Stock Positions

By Joni Lndquist Whether you inherited a large holding, exercised options to buy your company’s stock, sold a private business, hold restricted stock, or have benefitted from repeated stock splits over the years, having a large position in a single stock carries...

The Spending Plan: Setting and Prioritizing Your Budget Goals

By Stewart Koesten What are budget goals? Think of your budget goals as your financial wish list and your spending plan as a way to make those wishes a reality. Without clear budget goals, your financial life may remain in disarray. Like any other goals in life, your...

To Buy vs. Rent – New Thoughts on an Old Dilemma

By Lucas Bucl Housing decisions are some of the biggest financial decisions most people make.  They are clearly an important part of everyone’s financial plan.  Given the burst in the housing bubble in 2006-2007, many people are rethinking the decision to buy vs....

The Unintentional Disinheritance

By Stewart Koesten The Brady Bunch may have been unique in the 1970s and 1980s but not so much today. The act of blending families together involves more than deciding in whose house to live. In fact there is quite a bit of financial blending that has to occur as...