
Incentive Stock Options

By Matt Starkey What is it? An incentive stock option is a right or option granted by the sponsoring corporation to its employees to purchase shares of the corporation’s stock at a certain price for a specified period of time, notwithstanding an increase in the...

Golden Parachutes

By Stewart Koesten What is a golden parachute? Golden parachutes are severance and other compensation agreements that protect key employees from the effects of a corporate takeover or change in control. Payments under golden parachutes are triggered by a change in...

The Emotional Side of Investing

By Jamie Bosse Our emotions play a big role in our decision making, whether we realize it or not.  We like to think that the choices we make are the result of a thoughtful, rational evaluation of the available options.  In reality, we are emotional creatures who...

Golden Handcuffs

By Joni Lindquist What are golden handcuffs? The term “golden handcuffs” does not refer to one specific method of retaining key employees. Rather, it refers to a combination of any of a number of different rewards and penalties given to key employees to...