
The Importance of Doing a Home Inventory

If your house burned to the ground tomorrow, would you be able to recite the entirety of its contents room-by-room for your insurance claim? Probably not – I know I wouldn’t be able to! People tend to fill up the living space they have with “stuff” and this is...

Life Insurance – Why and When You Need It

If you think about it, we insure a lot of things in our lives without giving it a second thought – our homes, cars, jewelry, and bicycles – our STUFF.  When it comes to insuring our biggest asset, OURSELVES and our ability to generate income, many people are...

Be Clear In Your Estate Planning

Many people plan to leave assets to specific charities after they pass away. These assets will pass via instructions in their will or trust or perhaps via a beneficiary designation in a 401(k) plan or IRA (Individual Retirement Account). Often times, the donor does...

Getting Things Done for Personal and Financial Planning Success

It seems like everyone is always busy, but are we getting everything done that we set out to accomplish each day?  Being busy is not the same as being productive. Being productive involves prioritizing our tasks, being flexible, and delegating to complete the...

Does the winner of the Super Bowl influence the stock market?

The Super Bowl hits a little closer to home this year as our Kansas City Chiefs were so close to making it to the biggest event in football for the first time since before I was born. Now, most of the Midwest and Tom Brady haters everywhere are all suddenly rooting...