
Turning Points

By Stewart Koesten Did you ever stop to reflect on the two or three events in your life without which nothing that is today would have occurred?  I have. The first major decision I made that dramatically affected my life was to enter the military in 1966.  I was 19...

10 Ways to Do Good: Expand Your Financial Planning Thinking

By Joni Lindquist I had the opportunity a while back to hear Laura McKnight, co-founder of Mulberry South, and formerly the CEO and president of the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation present some interesting facts about philanthropy in the United States. ...

How Do You Define Wealth?

By Joni Lindquist At KHC Wealth Management, we define wealth more broadly than other financial planners:  financial capital + human capital = wealth.  Your money and your time, talents and experience (Your human capital) are merely tools to help you achieve your...

The Sandwich Generation

By Joni Lindquist Most of us by now are familiar with the term Sandwich Generation. In fact, many of us are likely members!  As far back as the early 1980s, the growing trend of adults caring for both aging parents and children was making headlines due to its...

Diversification Strategy for Human Capital

By Joni Lindquist Human Capital is becoming one of the new buzzwords replacing “talent management” in the corporate world. At KHC, however, we think of Human Capital (HC) differently. We define your HC as your time, talents, experience and education. Your human...