
Your Financial Dream Team

Is your “dream team” ready for the big game? Being in good financial shape takes a lot of blocking, tackling, and offensive moves.  Here are the key players in the lineup for your FINANCIAL Offense and Defense: TEAM OFFENSE TEAM DEFENSE Income Life Insurance...

Aspyre Seminars Offer Actionable Insights

Before joining Aspyre Wealth Partners® I successfully navigated two career pivots. Both times my family and I used COBRA for health insurance. (That’s my mom and our youngest daughter in the picture. I share more about them in our Aspyre seminars.) Recently I...

The Importance of Doing a Home Inventory

If your house burned to the ground tomorrow, would you be able to recite the entirety of its contents room-by-room for your insurance claim? Probably not – I know I wouldn’t be able to! People tend to fill up the living space they have with “stuff” and this is...

Life Insurance – Why and When You Need It

If you think about it, we insure a lot of things in our lives without giving it a second thought – our homes, cars, jewelry, and bicycles – our STUFF.  When it comes to insuring our biggest asset, OURSELVES and our ability to generate income, many people are...

It’s That Time of Year Again – Medicare Enrollment

By Joni Lindquist  What is the Medicare open enrollment period? The Medicare open enrollment period is the time during which people with Medicare can make new choices and pick plans that work best for them. Each year, Medicare plans typically change what they cost...