Earlier this year, we started a dialogue around the concept of Next Normal. This was a response to the ever-present term New Normal. What we have found in our work with clients, who are amid a big life change, is there comes a point where the client desires normal. They want to get back to normal. I think we can all relate as we grasp to remember life before COVID 19 and still crave how things were. It is normal to want to feel normal and yet, change is inevitable.
The concept of next normal is a nod to the desire to want feel normal in a time of high uncertainty. A time of change. The only way to manage a big life change is to go through it. Otherwise, we get stuck in limbo – somewhere between what was and what will be. And change can be a gift but it doesn’t always feel that way when you are going through it. How then do we center ourselves in something that feels familiar while we navigate change in our lives?
This is where our tips around Next Normal come in. Instead of waiting for a new normal to show up, we create an environment that feels normal in these abnormal times. See our earlier tips on creating a feeling of normal in uncertain times: Next Normal and Recommit to Values
My final tip to you in this series is around having a plan. Specifically, a plan for how you will spend money but equally important is having a plan for how you manage your health, your time, and your energy. Having a plan during a time of change can anchor you in the storm. It’s about controlling what you can control and therefore letting go of what you cannot control. Having a plan can create a sense of normal even if the plan itself has had to change.
Tip #3: Stick to a spending plan:
Ok call it a budget if you must but having a plan for how you will spend money in times of change will keep stress at bay.
When people go through change, it can trigger stress. Stress then triggers the most primitive part of our brain which protects us from harm and danger. This is not the part of our brain where we make our best decisions. Therefore, when we are not making our best decisions, we need plans and habits we can fall back on. Often when we put plans in place, it is for the present day but the power of the plan is for when we fall off track. My husband, who is a fitness professional, often says it is what you do after you fall off your plan that matters most.
Having a plan can create a sense of normal even if the plan itself has had to change
This is where having a plan is your key to success. It can get you back on track and helps you make wise decisions. Our family put together a spending plan in August. Needless to say, after the holidays we are a bit off track. It happens. What matters next is that we acknowledge we are off track and we get back to working the plan. It gets us back to normal.
Don’t have a plan? Reach out to me so we can help you!
As I wrap up this series on Next Normal, my hope is you found something here that can help you if you are craving a sense of normalcy. I believe we should embrace changes in life with open arms AND we should acknowledge that going through changes is hard. Uncertainty is hard. Finding balance in these times can feel impossible but focusing on something that helps you feel normal can center you.
Sometimes the changes we go through last years. It seems normal will never be a thing for us again. In these times, consider the concept of next normal. Focus on daily non-negotiables, recommit to your values, and stick to your spending plan.
Feeling stuck or overwhelmed? Needing guidance on how to move forward? We are here to guide and partner with you on your life’s journey. We would love the opportunity to speak with you.
Jessi Chadd, M.S.F.S, CFP®, CeFT®, is a Principal at Aspyre Wealth Partners, specializing in life transitions. For help with your specific situation contact Jessi Chadd, at jchadd@aspyrewealth.com (913) 345-1881 or visit our website at AspyreWealth.com.
Aspyre Wealth Partners® is a Fee Only financial services company located in Overland Park, Kansas. We are fiduciaries with a focus on: Financial Planning, Investment Management, Career Coaching, and Life Transitions. We update our blog frequently – click here for additional insights. Find out how well your money is serving you by taking our complimentary, 3-minute Return on Life (ROL) Assessment.